5 ways to get organised for back-to-school

5 ways to get organised for back-to-school5 ways to get organised for back-to-school 5 ways to get organised for back-to-school5 ways to get organised for back-to-school

Don't remind the kids, but it's almost time for back-to-school season.

Soon, we'll be washing uniforms and packing lunch boxes again, and fighting with the kids to get up early for school.

As difficult as it is for the little ones to readjust to their term-time routines, it can also be a struggle for us moms.

So, we're here to help get you and your family ahead of schedule with our 5 top tips to get organised for back-to-school.

5 ways to get organised for back-to-school

  1. Adjust sleeping routine: This is by far the most important tip we have! There’s no need to jump straight back to early bedtimes; just gradually ease yourselves back into the school bedtime routine by getting tucked in slightly earlier each night. The idea is that by the time the night before school arrives, you'll all be prepped and ready to go.
  2. Financial planning: School is expensive! Uniforms, shoes, trainers, school trips, birthday parties.... it can be a lot of financial stress on a family. So our best advice is that you sit down before the academic year begins and make a list of everything that needs to be paid for over the coming months. Of course, there will be unforeseen expenses, but if you make a note of costs that you are already aware of, you will be able to budget a bit more in advance.
  3. Extracurricular planning: Yes, it's great for kids to be super-active and to have lots of different interests. But these take time and money, so it may not be possible for them to get involved in every activity. Have a chat with them about picking their favourite few and that way, you will be able to get a sense of how busy they will be throughout each week.
  4. Talk through anxieties: If your child doesn’t like school, or if they are moving schools, they might be feeling stressed about the upcoming term. Allow them to open up to you about their fears and anxieties, and explain to them that you will be here to help them through it all. Back-to-school season can be overwhelming so be gentle!
  5. Enjoy last few moments of summer: Ok, we have spent this whole article talking about getting ready to go back to school, but summer isn't over yet - so make sure you make the most of these special days. They won't be young forever.

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