Keeping your marriage exciting

Keeping your marriage excitingKeeping your marriage exciting Keeping your marriage excitingKeeping your marriage exciting

Keeping marriage exciting.... now that's something most couples ponder.

Planning a life together was exciting, the wedding was everything you ever dreamed of, and the reception was the biggest and best party ever.

The honeymoon was exhilarating and thrilling, but now that’s all over and real life has begun.

A happy, long-lasting marriage takes work. Stress, boredom, disagreements, poor communication and, well, life happen.

Keeping your marriage exciting


There is a natural ebb and flow to every marriage, but you can take some steps to help keep your marriage exciting (even after children!)

  1. Get a hobby: Some time apart may help the heart grow fonder. Having some separate interests and hobbies will mean new and exciting conservations and topics to share when you are together. Strike a balance in your relationship where you spend time together but also time apart pursuing individual interests.
  2. Celebrate: Are Valentine’s Day and your anniversary twice a year really enough to celebrate a marriage? Celebrate the small stuff too! Survived a visit from the in-laws? Finished that mountain of laundry, or finally agreed on a new couch? High fives, kisses or even a celebratory toast (if you are so inclined) can help keep the excitement and fun alive in your marriage.
  3. Surprise events: It is so easy to get bogged down with the typical everyday routine, especially when children are involved. The spontaneity of the early phase of your new relationship can feel like a lifetime away. Routines are important, but make an effort to mix things up. Try a new ice-cream shop, have a movie night, buy flowers, or visit that new restaurant in town. These moments don’t need to be extravagant – a simple text or a little note expressing that you are thinking of them can go a long way. It is all about showing up and showing your spouse that you are thinking of them and bonding in that special moment together.
  4. Alone time: There is nothing like a vacation together to rekindle that romance. Even a local weekend trip or overnight trip without the children is enough to keep that spark going! Keep having date nights. Getting dressed up and trying something new or dining at your favourite spot as a couple does wonders for keeping the excitement alive. This is one expense that will definitely be worth it in the long run.
  5. Spice things up: A good sex life has a strong impact on the overall satisfaction and strength of your marriage. Explore new positions, toys, or a sexual fantasy with your partner. Flirt, hold hands and pay each other compliments - intimacy doesn’t only happen in the bedroom. Maybe ditch the television and the phones in your bedroom too – make it a space of togetherness and a place of importance for cultivating a close bond.
  6. Laughter: Laughter is the best medicine. Couples that laugh together are happier and more satisfied with their relationship. Silly games, funny stories, dancing in the living room or even watching a good comedy together are great ways to get those endorphins going.

Try them out

I am hopeful that that these tips can bring some excitement to your marriages today!

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