This is the hardest age to parent, according to moms

This is the hardest age to parent, according to momsThis is the hardest age to parent, according to moms This is the hardest age to parent, according to momsThis is the hardest age to parent, according to moms

The terrible two's and the dreaded teenage years are well documented as tough years, but do you know what the real hardest age to parent is?

According to moms, we've been worrying about the wrong age all along.

So forget all you thought about threenagers and the terrible two's; eight is actually the most difficult age to parent.

This is the hardest age to parent

According to a recent survey, the majority of parents think ages two, three, and four are a piece of cake


But they think eight is tricky because it's the age when children stop being 'little kids' and are moving toward being a tween.

"Eight is personality and autonomy and attitude that still wants to end the day with a snuggle and hug.

Hateful eights

"Eight is the body prepping for puberty and the hormones that go along with it."

In fact, age eight is apparently so tough that the majority of the 2,000 parents who responded to the survey agreed that it was the hardest year.


Age six was better than expected and age seven actually produced the most intense tantrums – not age two, as we are often led to believe.

Some parents even went as far as calling the age of eight the "hateful eights," as they apparently noted that tantrums seem to have really intensified around the age of eight.

A quarter of parents admitted the time period between 6 and 8 years old held the most brutal meltdowns.

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