Study gives insight and advice on picky eating in children

Study gives insight and advice on picky eating in childrenStudy gives insight and advice on picky eating in children Study gives insight and advice on picky eating in childrenStudy gives insight and advice on picky eating in children

All children are picky eaters at some point during childhood; it's part of how they assert their independence and learn about food.

Some children are fussier than others and refuse to eat anything except for a few chosen foods (which are usually snacks!)

And this can cause major stress for parents.

If this is you, this article published in the journal Pediatrics gives some insight into picky eating, and how you can help prevent it and manage it.

Study gives insight and advice on picky eating in children

  1. Picky eating starts early and stays: Researchers looked at the habits of children ages 4 to 9, and found that picky eaters tended to stay that way. That means that parents need to start early to prevent picky eating, preferably before their child turns 2. So offer lots of different foods in the weaning stage and include lots of different fruits and vegetables. Don't cook a separate kids' meal. Let your child eat what you are eating, obviously if it's safe and recommended to do so.
  2. Temperament plays a role: Sometimes picky eating is part of a bigger problem. The study found that children who had difficulty controlling their emotions tended to be very picky eaters. If your child has behavioral challenges along with picky eating, talk to your doctor.
  3. Picky eaters are usually not underweight: They are often thinner than their less picky peers, but not in a way that is unhealthy. So unless your pediatrician is worried about your picky child's weight, parents should not be.
  4. Parenting plays a role too. The researchers found that when parents were very strict about the foods that the child could (and couldn't!) eat, or were demanding about the child's eating, the child was more likely to be a picky eater.

Being positive makes a difference


Much of picky eating may be related to negative thoughts and memories about certain foods, or eating in general.

So the more that you are upbeat and positive about eating, the more likely your child will be that way too.

Here are some ways you can do that:

  • Have family meals: And most importantly, enjoy each other during them. Eating together puts the emphasis on the social aspect of eating, rather than the food itself, which can be helpful. Sit around the table to eat, and no phones or toys allowed.
  • Don't force a child to eat: Encourage them to try new foods, but don't get into fights about it. And do not make them finish everything on their plate. Don't let your child snack all day either and, if possible, they should arrive at a meal hungry enough to want to eat.
  • Involve your child in meal planning and preparation: Look at recipes together, involve your child in the shopping and preparation, and be willing to try new and different things.

It may take some time for changes to take effect, so be patient. If it seems like nothing is working, talk to your paediatrician.

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