6 things you should know about a c-section mom

6 things you should know about a c-section mom6 things you should know about a c-section mom 6 things you should know about a c-section mom6 things you should know about a c-section mom

Much to the ire of cesarean section moms everywhere, there exists a school of thought that c-sections are the easy way out.

Well, we're here to set the record straight.

Having a surgeon cut through 7 layers of muscle to extract your baby from your womb while y0u're (usually) fully conscious is NOT the easy way out.

Not all c-sections are elective and, even if they are, they certainly aren't a walk in the park.


It doesn't matter how your baby arrived earthside; what matters is that you and baby are healthy and well.

6 things you should know about a c-section mom

  1. They might have mixed feelings about their birth experience: Because of the above mentioned narrative that c-sections are the easy way out, many c-section moms feel like they failed or that they didn't really give birth. So it's important that you're aware of this fragility. Be supportive.
  2. There will be weeks of vaginal bleeding: Typically less bleeding than from a vaginal birth, but still uncomfortable and often restrictive.
  3. They will experience pain with sex: This is mainly due to hormones and maybe pelvic floor issues. But remember, some c-section moms also pushed before the cesarean route.
  4. They may be healing in two places: If they did push for a time, they will have swelling and tenderness down below, as well as the healing from major abdominal surgery.
  5. They might have been unconscious for the birth: This can be devastating for moms, so don't just assume they were awake for the surgery.
  6. They will appreciate extra support: Physically and mentally, healing from a c-section is tough. Remember, c-section moms can't drive for six weeks, can't lift heavy objects, can't bend in certain ways, will have dressings over their scar which need care, and may generally be struggling a little. So offers to help cook, clean, mind baby for a bit, or even just a hug and a listening ear will go a long way.

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