7 ways to look after yourself in early pregnancy

7 ways to look after yourself in early pregnancy7 ways to look after yourself in early pregnancy 7 ways to look after yourself in early pregnancy7 ways to look after yourself in early pregnancy

Those first few weeks of pregnancy are tough, so here are 7 ways to look after yourself in early pregnancy.

You're (hopefully) ecstatic with happiness and yet you're forced to keep this amazing news a secret.

Then of course there's the sickness, the crazy hormones and hiding yourself away so that no one guesses your news.

All this will leave you tired, emotional and even overwhelmed at the thought of growing a little human and the fact your life will never be the same.

7 ways to look after yourself in early pregnancy


Rather than concentrating on what you can't control in those early weeks and months, it's better to focus on what you can do to show a little self-love.

So here are 7 ways to look after yourself in early pregnancy.

  1. Drink lots of water: According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, you should drink 8-12 cups of water a day during pregnancy. It aids digestion, helps form the amniotic fluid around your baby, and helps circulate nutrients in the body and remove waste. Water can also ease the nauseousness that's common in the first trimester.
  2. Eat a good, balance diet: Your pregnancy diet should include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables - organic if your budget allows - and lean protein and fiber. And remember, you're not actually eating for two!
  3. Avoid raw food: It's best not to eat undercooked or raw meat during pregnancy, as it may make you ill and could even harm your baby. You may become infected with the toxoplasma parasite if you eat meat that is raw or pink and bloody in the middle.
  4. Limit caffeine: Caffeine can be absorbed freely across the placenta, but cannot be broken down by either the placenta or the fetus. If you can't give up caffeine, limit yourself to one cup a day.
  5. Take your prenatal vitamins: Speak to your ob-gyn about pre-conception and pregnancy supplements as this is NOT medical advice. But according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, you will need folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamin D, choline, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and vitamin C. See here for recommended amounts.
  6. Exercise regularly: If you are healthy and your pregnancy is normal, it is safe to continue or start regular physical activity. But you must discuss exercise with your ob-gyn during your early prenatal visits to find out what activities you can do safely.
  7. Look after your mental health: Looking after your mental, and physical health, is always important. But you need to be that extra little bit kind to yourself in those early days and weeks of pregnancy. Your hormones will be all over the place, you'll be tired, emotional and maybe sick on top of it all. So take it easy, rest lots and be good to yourself.

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