8 things you shouldn't say to a pregnant woman

8 things you shouldn't say to a pregnant woman8 things you shouldn't say to a pregnant woman 8 things you shouldn't say to a pregnant woman8 things you shouldn't say to a pregnant woman

Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting journey, but it can also be a scary and anxiety-inducing time.

It's natural to constantly worry if your baby is OK, are they moving enough, are you doing the right things, will you be a good mother.

The explosion of hormones in your body can also make pregnancy an emotional rollercoaster.

So what you definitely DON'T need are tactless comments from others.

8 things you shouldn't say to a pregnant woman


Here are 8 things you shouldn't say to a pregnant woman.

  1. Your bump is huge: Never EVER comment on a woman's bump or pregnancy belly. Every bump is different and comments like that can trigger women.
  2. Your bump is tiny: Again, like above, this can cause unnecessary worry about the baby. And bump size doesn't actually indicate the size of the baby.
  3. Should you be doing that? This is an extremely patronising comment. Rest assured that pregnant women know exactly what they should and shouldn't be doing and would never do anything to put their baby at risk.
  4. Are you allowed to eat that? This is another condescending comment that should be avoided. Cravings and food aversions can make eating during pregnancy very difficult. So keep your unwanted remarks to yourself!
  5. Was it planned? Why does it matter to anyone except the parents? That's an extremely invasive question that's quite simply no one else's business.
  6. You look terrible: Just plain rude! It isn't growing and carrying a human. Throw in sickness, discomfort and sleeplessness and understandably, every pregnant woman will have an off day.
  7. Let me tell you about my traumatic birth: How about NO?! It's scary enough thinking about labour and birth without hearing about horror stories. It's nice to be prepared but some details are just too much.
  8. You'll never sleep again when the baby comes: That's not true, and it's also not helpful.

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