Children of women with gestational diabetes & obesity more likely to develop ADHD

Children of women with gestational diabetes & obesity more likely to develop ADHDChildren of women with gestational diabetes & obesity more likely to develop ADHD Children of women with gestational diabetes & obesity more likely to develop ADHDChildren of women with gestational diabetes & obesity more likely to develop ADHD

Children of women with gestational diabetes and obesity could be twice as likely to develop Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

This according to new research published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

A major risk factor for ADHD in children is maternal obesity.

Maternal obesity

Roughly 30% of women have obesity at their first doctor's visit during pregnancy, and this number increases to 47% in women with gestational diabetes.


Excessive weight gain during pregnancy in this population is a risk factor for children developing ADHD.

The researchers studied 1,036 children born to women with gestational diabetes, and 13% of these children were diagnosed with ADHD.

The researchers found children of women with gestational diabetes and obesity were twice as likely to have ADHD compared to those born to mothers without obesity.

The researchers only found this association in women with gestational diabetes, obesity and excessive weight gain during pregnancy.


The researchers didn't observe a higher risk of ADHD in children of women with gestational diabetes and obesity if the amount of weight these women gained during pregnancy was within the normal range.

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