A doula is a woman professionally trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical, and educational support to a mother during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Doulas do not replace partners, family or other medical members of the birth team; their purpose is to help women have a safe, secure and positively transformative birth experience.

Why do I need one?

Here are some great reasons to add a doula to your birth team:

  1. Back your supporters: Chances are your partner, mother, sister or best friend will be supporting you throughout the labour process and that’s awesome; but do they really know what to expect? A doula will actively support you, freeing your partner, friends and family to perform best their role as loving supporters.
  2. A million questions: New mothers have a lot of questions. Best birthing class? What should I expect at my first ultrasound? Tips and tricks for morning sickness? Your doula will be available by phone, text, email or even social media! And for the most important question - 'Am I in labour?' Your doula will be helpful guiding you through the stages and transitions of labour.
  3. The numbers have it: Having a doula provide continuous labour support is a key factor in successful birthing experiences for both mothers and babies.

Cochrane Review

According to a 2012 Cochrane Review, women who received continuous labour support were:

  • more likely to give birth spontaneously
  • less likely to give birth via caesarean or with a vacuum or forceps
  • less likely to use pain medications
  • more likely to be satisfied
  • had slightly shorter labours.

While your chances of a natural birth are higher with a doula, doulas also provide support for mothers in any stage of life – Rainbow babies, VBACs, Caesareans, multiple births, second or third babies.

Physical and mental preparation

Yup, I think every mother deserves a doula! And here's why:

  1. A bag of tricks: Peanut balls, exercise balls, aromatherapy, massage, acupressure, rebozo are just some of the many tricks of the trade that doulas employ to help labouring mothers deal with the intensity of child birth. Your doula will be a steady source of reassurance, comfort and encouragement.
  2. The birth plan: Your doula will walk you through labour beforehand; you will discuss your preferences and expectations, what to expect at the birthing centre or hospital, any special requests or suggestions and so much more. You will go in to labour physically and mentally prepared and educated about your options. Even if the plan changes, you would have already gone over the Plan Bs, Cs and Ds.

Your birth experience

Every woman, for as long as she lives, will remember her birthing experience.

It will have long reaching affects, impacting on her mental health, parenting and family life.


To adopt one of my favourite quotes by Marsden Wagner: "Doulas play a crucial role in respecting the woman as a unique human being and making certain her experience is fulfilling and empowering."

Making you stronger

Doulas are not just a nice extra but, in my opinion, an absolute essential.

Doulas help make women stronger and that can only be good for society as a whole!

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