A simple guide to starting your baby on solids

A simple guide to starting your baby on solids

Just like that, six months with your brand-new human has gone and it's time to start the long-awaited journey of SOLIDS.

Congrats mama, you made it!

Now I know you’re nervous, and it’s okay to be, but this should not be a stressful time for you and baby.

Rather, it's the beginning of an exciting journey where you’ll find out if your baby loves the same foods as you and your partner or has their own special palette!


Either way, it’s LOADS of fun!

Is my baby ready? Let’s bite right in!

Your baby will typically begin showing signs of readiness to eat solid foods around 6 months old.

This may come sooner for some little ones as my daughter, Luna, started solids at about 5 months old.

While we can get caught up in the “right” age to introduce solids, it is most important to observe your baby for signs of readiness.


Some telltale cues include their ability to sit upright, hold their own head up and/or showing interest in food.

I swear to you my child was grabbing at my toast from the time she could hold her head up!

Food before one is fun

I live by this slogan, and it helped me get through the interesting journey of starting solids!

It simply means that while both you and your little one may be excited about starting solid foods, try not to stress too much (yes I’m talking to you) if your baby does not eat much on any given day.

Babies continue to, and still get, most of their essential nutrients from breastmilk and formula up until one year, so have no fear. The vitamins are still there!

This gave me so much comfort on some days where Luna would just fling everything off her plate and protest.

Even if she just had a nibble of two things on the plate, I tried to take that as a win.

How much is too much?

  • Babies between 4 and 6 months old can get two meals per day, each two to four tbsps.
  • Babies between 7 and 12 months old can get three meals, each the size of your baby’s fist.
  • Babies after 9 months old can also get a morning and afternoon snack which can be something simple like crackers or fruit.

Where do I even begin?

I am glad you asked!

My absolute favorite method to introduce solids to Luna was the Baby-Led Weaning Feeding Method.

This is a practice where babies 6 months and older feed themselves from the start of solids (incredibly fun and very messy!)

Some popular recommended utensils needed include a silicone bib with a lip, suction bowls or plates to prevent spills, and preferably silicone spoons that baby can use to feed themselves.

Also get an open cup for drinking.

Baby steps

Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

It may take some practice, but you and your baby will have this in no time and they will look forward to meal time when placed in their high chair.

Food for thought

One of the goals of solid feeding is to help your baby experience food in a positive manner, so they develop a good relationship with food and enjoy eating various foods throughout their lifetime.

Keep this in mind and adjust whatever is needed to make feeding time more comfortable and exciting for both you and your baby.

Make it fun, and do not stress if your baby does not like a certain food - it will definitely happen!

Try not to block that out of their diet all together; you can keep trying to re-introduce it from time to time and serve it with “safe foods” (foods that you know your child loves!)

For example, some of Luna’s safe foods are scrambled eggs, strawberries and cucumbers.

What's on the menu?

Here is the recipe to one of Luna’s favorite foods, still to this day!

I must admit, it was definitely one of my favorites too - quick and easy!

Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal 

  • Yield: 8 servings of ¼ cup
  • Prep Time: 2 mins
  • Cook Time: 5-8 mins


  • ½ Apple of choice
  • ½ tsp of Cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp of Vanilla Essence
  • ¼ Cup Quaker Oats/Rolled Oats
  • 1 Cup Water


  1. Remove skin, pit of the apple, and cut into cubes.
  2. In a small saucepan, bring water to a boil and add apple cubes.
  3. After two minutes, add oats, cinnamon, and vanilla essence.
  4. When the apple can be easily pierced with a fork and the oats appear puffy, it is finished. Use an emulsifier or blender and give a few pulses until smooth. You can go up in thickness depending on your baby’s age.
  5. Cool to room temperature and serve oatmeal with a spoon or let baby eat with their hands - messy, but fun, and helps with motor skills!
  6. You can start with ¼ cup and go up in quantity depending on your baby’s age.
  7. Remaining oats can stay refrigerated in an airtight container for 2 - 3 days

Good luck

I wish you the best of luck on this journey, and hope my tips and advice leave you feeling more confident about starting your little one on solids.

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