5 fun traditions to start with your family

5 fun traditions to start with your family5 fun traditions to start with your family 5 fun traditions to start with your family5 fun traditions to start with your family

Life is all about making memories, so here we have 5 fun traditions to start with your family.

We live in a fast-paced world where stresses and pressures often take over, making us forget what's really important.

So we wanted to create a list of things you can do with your kids to create special memories and hopefully become annual traditions.

Most importantly, they cost little or nothing and don't involve screens!

5 fun traditions to start with your family

  1. Recreate a photo:A great tradition to start with your kids is taking a picture of them each year in the same pose and general spot to see how much they have grown throughout the years. This is a fab one for the kids to look back on when they’re older too!
  2. Memory box: Each year you and your kids place something significant into the box, which could be anything from art pieces, receipts from activities, cinema ticket stubs to toys. In the future, you’ll be able to look back and see all the different things you and your kids loved at different stages of their lives!
  3. Try each other’s hobbies: This is a great one to get everyone out of their comfort zones and engage in new activities! It can also bring you closer together.
  4. Do something new together: Each year, go somewhere or do something new! Trying out a new activity together is a great bonding experience and can be a lovely way to create long-lasting family memories.
  5. Bake something together: Who doesn’t love the smell of freshly baked goodies? Having a recipe you make as a family each year is a great tradition to start and the kids love getting involved in mixing and measuring too!

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