7 indoor family activities that don't involve screens

7 indoor family activities that don't involve screens
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One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to make time for creating special memories as a family.

We're all so caught up in the mayhem of modern life that we sometimes forget the value of unplugging, sitting down with the ones we love, and having fun.

This is not to say that screen time needs to be banned, but rather that healthy habits are key.

As with everything in life, balance is key. And it's important for the parents, not just the kids, to step away from the screens and live in the moment.

So here is some inspiration for indoor family activities that don't involve screens.

7 indoor family activities that don't involve screens

  1. Arts and crafts: There really is nothing better than a few hours drawing and crafting together. And don't worry about buying expensive items; there are so many household items like toilet roll holders, cardboard boxes, and yogurt pots which are great for building castles and magical kingdoms.
  2. Treasure hunt: This can be as detailed or as simple as you like. You can draw a map or write down clues and hide items or more clues around the house and let the kids go hunting. For a special treat, the grand prize for the winner could be a bottle of Coca-Cola No Sugar - or maybe one for everyone to enjoy together.
  3. Build a fort: Building a fort is as much fun for adults as it is for kids. Just grab some bed sheets, pillows and push the furniture together and voilà! A fort fit for a king. To make it even more exciting, why not have a sleepover in the fort?
  4. Write a letter: Such a wholesome activity for all the family. Maybe write to family or friends overseas, or to a famous person who the kids admire. Encourage the kids to write from the heart and it might even become a regular activity.
  5. Do some baking: There's something very special about baking together as a family, and it's a great skill to teach kids from a young age. Buns and sweet treats would be a great idea because you can all sit down together afterwards and sample the end product. Can we suggest this scrumptious Chocolate Cola-Cola No Sugar Cake? It'll take just over an hour and most of the nine ingredients should already be in your kitchen cupboards. Check out the recipe here.
  6. Put on a fashion show: As long as you don't mind all the tidying up afterwards, this is a great activity to pass a few hours. Let the kids try on your clothes, or set them a task to dress up as their favourite movie character or superhero. You can join in the fun too!
  7. Take a trip down memory lane: This one is our favourite because we just love the nostalgia. You can cuddle up with the kids and maybe show them old photo albums or scrap books from when you were a kid. Tell them stories of what you used to get up to as a kid and what has changed since then.

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