Realistic self-care for busy moms

Realistic self-care for busy momsRealistic self-care for busy moms Realistic self-care for busy momsRealistic self-care for busy moms

Realistic self-care for busy moms sounds more manageable than other advice like: You need a weekend away, or Book a spa trip.

We’ve all heard the adage about pouring from an empty cup.

For many of us, myself included, having the time to fill up our own proverbial cups seems nonexistent.

As mothers, we tend to put the needs of everyone else in our families first.


Making time for ourselves and taking care of our own wants and needs are regularly placed on the back burner of life.

But self care is a worthwhile, necessary goal!

Realistic self-care for busy moms

We can’t take the best care of others until we start taking good care of ourselves.

We are all busy and wear so many hats. If you are a homeschool mom, working mom, stay-at-home-mom, work-from-home-mom – no matter the hat you wear – here are some realistic self-care tips you can incorporate in your life today.

Physical self-care

  1. Food: Let’s try some baby steps here; as moms we can all eat better, move more and get more sleep! Consider making some changes to your diet. Please note, I’m not suggesting that you go on a full blown diet! Try switching to healthier snacks, eating more fruits and vegetables, having smaller portions, or even food prepping one day of the week to save time and money.
  2. Exercise: Can you find time to add a workout to your day? Even 5 minutes is better than nothing. Get your children involved with an early morning or late evening stroll, or clear your mind and do it on your own.
  3. Sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for all aspects of your life. I know burning the midnight oil may feel the only way to get everything done, but getting the rest your body needs insures that you can give the best version of yourself.

Mental self-care

  1. Saying no: Do you feel like time is just flying past? There is so much to do and so little time to do it in – your plate is already full but that doesn’t stop anyone from trying to add more to it! Let’s practice a simple two letter word, that can be a full sentence – No! You have to be realistic about your time and abilities. Sure you may miss out on some things, but taking the time to appreciate what you have is just as important too.
  2. Ask for help: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Tap into your family’s support system and find the support and encouragement you need.
  3. Social media: Social media can be a great source of emotional support if you don’t have friends or family near by. But proceed with caution as comparison can be the thief of joy. If you find yourself comparing or envying or making your workload even heavier based on your social media followings, use that mute or unfollow button.
  4. Journal: Journaling is a wonderful way to take stock of your mental and emotional health. It can be a source of comfort, healing or a way to track your goals and keep you accountable. The mindfulness associated with creating the time to keep a diary or journal can do wonders for your mental health.

Taking time out


Being a mom truly is the best job in the world, but it's all-consuming and that's why it's important that you look after you.

Let us be encouraged to step back, breathe and make that time for ourselves!

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