15 must-haves for your newborn

15 must-haves for your newborn15 must-haves for your newborn 15 must-haves for your newborn15 must-haves for your newborn
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These 15 must-haves for your newborn will help you get ready for your little bundle and hopefully save you from splashing out on items you don't need.

They may be very tiny, but newborns need A LOT of things.

We know it can be overwhelming sorting the nice-to-haves from the must-haves, so we're here to help.

Obviously your baby's needs will evolve as they grow but to get you started, here are 15 must-haves for your newborn.

15 must-haves for your newborn

  1. Muslin cloths: These will become your best friends after you have a baby. You can use them to wash your baby, to burp them, to clean their spit-up and sick, as a light blanket, for breastfeeding. The possibilities are endless. And they're light-weight so they're easily washed and dried every day.
  2. Thermometer: This is a must in your baby kit. Even a slight rise in temperature in a baby means you need to call your doctor immediately, so you need to be able to monitor it accurately. Here are some of the best to buy.
  3. Nail clippers: Little newborn nails are very sharp and babies are prone to scratching their face and drawing blood. Keep their nails short with baby nail clippers.
  4. Vests and baby grows: This is a no-brainer but we're trying to stress that babies don't need lots of fancy dresses and denims, no matter how cute they are! Vests and baby grows are the basics that they will live in for the first few months. And, if you can, get baby grows with zips rather than poppers. Trust us, you'll thank us later!
  5. Baby sling: You can research which brand based on your budget - and there is a lot of variety - but the main considerations are sturdy and easy to put on. If you have a baby with colic or reflux, you'll find a carrier particularly useful. But regardless, being able to strap on your baby allows you to get housework done or even stroll to the shops while keeping them close.
  6. Stroller: Again, which stroller you choose depends very much on your budget. But this list from Made for Mums is an excellent resource to get you started.
  7. Car seat: This is important for taking baby home from hospital and for venturing anywhere in a car. Often you can buy a stroller/car seat bundle which is good value for money. Just be careful if buying secondhand as your car seats need to be of a high standard to protect your baby.
  8. Breast pump and bottles: If you're breastfeeding your baby, as recommended by the World Health Organisation, you will need a breast pump so that you can pump milk to put in bottles so that other people can help you with feeding. If you can't breastfeed or choose not to, you will need bottles for feeding - and formula.
  9. Soother: Not every parent will want to use a soother and not every baby will actually take one, but the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends giving a soother to babies one month and older at naptime and bedtime as it can reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
  10. Crib: Again, as part of their recommendations for the prevention of SIDS, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents use a crib as a sleeping surface for newborns. Your crib must be safety-approved, your baby should sleep on his or her back, and your baby’s crib must be in your bedroom for at least the first six months. A good option is to go for a crib that grows with your baby.
  11. Bibs: This one really needs no explanation. Bibs protect your babies clothes from spit-up, sick and drool and provide an extra layer of protection so that their chests don't get too wet, as this can cause irritation and rash.
  12. Diapers: One thing that will shock you as a new mom is the number of diapers you go through every day. You'll use on average 8-10 a day so you will need to ensure you have a stockpile at all times. Before baby is born, you can stock up on one size to last the first few weeks. This guide from Pampers is excellent to help you gauge sizes and how long they'll last for.
  13. Diaper bag: This will become an extension of your arm! Diaper bags are great for carrying all your baby must-haves and keeping them safe and clean and in one place! Some even come with a chill section for milk and bottles and foldable changing mats. It doesn't need to cost you a fortune, but it is a must have.
  14. Cotton pads: You can use cotton pads or flannels which you can wash and reuse. These are great for cleaning dirty bottoms to washing and wiping baby throughout the day and at bath time.
  15. Diaper rash cream and barrier cream: Unfortunately no matter what you do, your baby will get diaper rash at some point. It's inevitable! So it's best to be prepared with a good rash cream, and it's advised to use a barrier cream like Vaseline in between times to protect baby's delicate skin. You can also get a barrier cream for their chin and around their neck to protect their skin while they're teething.

All the essentials

It can be extremely overwhelming shopping for a new baby, but it's important that you don't get carried away.

While the above list of 15 must-haves for your newborn isn't exhaustive, it's a very strong start.

Other items you could add after birth are a changing mat, changing table, white noise machine, baby bath, sterilizer, bouncer, and play mat.

Happy shopping!

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