Becoming a mother is life-changing in so many ways, so here are 5 great tips for new moms.

If it's your first child, the transition to motherhood can be overwhelming. But even if you've done this baby thing before,  it still turns your whole world upside down - in the most incredible way of course!

Those first weeks and months of the fourth trimester are like a whirlwind of feeding and burping, nappies, sleepless nights, and lots of dry shampoo.

They're magical and beautiful for sure, but they're also challenging and exhausting, not to mention everything you need to learn in a very short space of time.


Luckily, we can help! So here are 5 great tips for new moms that will hopefully make your life with your newborn a little bit easier.

  1. Stop putting pressure on yourself: The first thing you need to do is get rid of the picture-perfect version of motherhood you've built up in your head. Social media often paints a very pretty picture and puts moms - especially new ones - under pressure to live up to the ideal. But trust us, you can't expect too much of yourself. Having a shower or drinking a cup of tea while it's still hot are actually a major achievements and they're the little victories you'll learn to celebrate. And if you have family or friends who you can call on for help and advice, do it! It takes a village, after all!
  2. Have key supplies everywhere: Put a small basket in every room you use regularly and fill it with your baby essentials – diapers, wipes, cream, vests, bibs, and spare clothes are all good things to have to hand. Another great idea is to keep a bottle of water nearby at all times, especially if you're breastfeeding, to keep yourself hydrated.
  3. Say yes: If a friend or family member offers to call over and babysit for an hour so you can have a nap, say yes. If someone offers to cook dinner, go to the store, do some washing or some housework, or occupy the other kids for a while, don't think twice about it.
  4. How to deal with dirty diapers: The poonamis are hard to deal with, we can't lie. But rest assured they won't last forever. Just carry diaper bags and a few changes of clothes everywhere you go, and NEVER take the soiled clothes off over the baby's head. Watch out for signs of diaper rash and make sure you always have a cream to hand (your healthcare professional will be able to advise on the correct one).
  5. Try to leave the house every day: If you're a first-time mom you might wonder why this would even be a big deal. But if this isn't your first rodeo, you're probably wondering what planet of delusion we're living on. We appreciate even getting dressed is difficult with a new baby to care for, especially if you're doing it alone. But your mental health and sanity will thank you for it. Our advice is to always prepare ahead. Try to have a diaper bag ready by the door at all times so that you're never rushing or caught short. If you're not sure what should be in your baby bag, check out this diaper bag list we prepared earlier.

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