5 things you might not know about newborns

5 things you might not know about newborns5 things you might not know about newborns 5 things you might not know about newborns5 things you might not know about newborns

Newborns are pretty special.

With that unique baby smell, tiny little features and the cutest little sounds, all you want to do is cuddle them.

You'll feel an instant love that's hard to explain and it will continue to grow every single day.

But newborn babies are actually more fascinating than you might think.


Here are 5 things you might not know about newborns.

  1. Their tonsils have tastebuds: This will probably shock you but with tastebuds on the back of the tonsils, the back of the throat, and the tongue, newborns can tell the difference between sweet and bitter flavors. Your baby actually has many more tastebuds than you and while you were pregnant, they got a tiny taste of everything you ate. And experts say that will shape their food tastes when they're older.
  2. They have no tears when they cry: Babies' tear ducts are still developing after birth, and it's normal for them not to shed tears for the first few months.
  3. Their first poop doesn't smell: Meconium is a newborn's first poop. This sticky, thick, dark green poop is made up of cells, protein, fats, and intestinal secretions, like bile. Babies typically pass meconium in the first few hours and days after birth. It is so dark that it can appear black and it's completely odourless.
  4. Your baby loves your scent: Your baby could smell and taste before she was even born. She'll quickly grow to love your own natural scent, and it may help to soothe and calm her when she's upset. So try to avoid using strong-smelling creams and perfumes in the early weeks with your newborn.
  5. They always have a poop explosion when you need to go somewhere: Commonly known as a poonami, this seems to only happen when you've put on a fresh outfit and when you're rushing to go somewhere! Always be prepared.

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