Here's what parents are searching most on Google about babies

Here's what parents are searching most on Google about babiesHere's what parents are searching most on Google about babies Here's what parents are searching most on Google about babiesHere's what parents are searching most on Google about babies

We've all been there; 3am and baby is crying uncontrollably and despite ourselves, we turn to Dr Google for answers.

You can read all the guidebooks, go to all the antenatal classes, and ask friends and family for all of the advice but still find yourself rushing to the Internet for answers to all sorts of parenting issues.

And the good news is you're not alone according to Google.

Here are some of the most popular 'why does my baby' searches from last year.

Here's what parents are searching most on Google about babies

  1. Why does my baby cry so much?
  2. Why does my baby grunt so much?
  3. Why does my baby spit so much?
  4. Why does my baby get hiccups?
  5. Why does my baby gasp for air sometimes?
  6. Why does my baby throw his head back?
  7. Why does my baby wake up crying?
  8. Why does my baby grunt while eating?
  9. Why does my baby keep throwing up?
  10. Why does my baby sound congested?

Many of the searches point to the holy trinity of parenting anxieties - eating, crying and breathing.

While you can find reliable, medical-approved information online, it's important to remember that if you have any concerns about your baby, you need to speak to your pediatrician.

Hardest age to parent

Just in case you've thought about Googling what the hardest age to parent is, don't bother - we know the answer!

The terrible two's and the dreaded teenage years are well documented as tough years, but apparently they're a walk in the park compared to eight year olds.


Yes, that's right moms. We've been worrying about the wrong age all along.

Eight is tricky because it's the age when children stop being 'little kids' and are moving towards being a tween.

Age six is better than expected and age seven actually produces the most intense tantrums – not age two, as we are often led to believe.

Some parents even went as far as calling the age of eight the "hateful eights," as they apparently noted that tantrums seem to  really intensify around the age of eight.

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