7 open-ended, interactive ‘toys’ that you won’t regret

7 open-ended, interactive ‘toys’ that you won’t regret7 open-ended, interactive ‘toys’ that you won’t regret 7 open-ended, interactive ‘toys’ that you won’t regret7 open-ended, interactive ‘toys’ that you won’t regret

Kids are expensive, right? So to lessen the load, here are 7 open-ended interactive ‘toys’ that you won’t regret!

In an era where there is a constant push for the latest gadgets and toys for kids, it can be very confusing as regards what you should or shouldn't buy for your little ones.

Many of us want what's best for our kids, but it's easy to get influenced and carried away!

And that can leave you spending exorbitant amounts of money on shiny new toys that either hinder healthy skill development, will break easily, or will be quickly discarded by your child.


This is not an anti-shiny or anti-noisy toy rant because let's be honest, our kids love the stuff.

But I’m here to shine some more light on open-ended, interactive and timeless toys that will keep your kids - and us adults - busy and happy.

Open-ended toys

Before I go on, let me explain what I mean by open-ended.

Open-ended toys generally create more opportunities for kids to engage in critical-thinking and problem-solving, and they support language development.


These kinds of toys can be played with in a variety of ways versus just having one way of using the toy.

Open ended-toys encourage creativity and build independent or child-led thinking and play.

But I want to stress that while I am a huge advocate of open-ended toys, I understand and see the value of close-ended toys; those which allow for focusing on specific skills - be it fine or gross motor.

This enables easier self-correction which can lead to the mastery of those skills, among some other benefits.

7 timeless interactive ‘toys’ that you won’t regret

  • Wooden Blocks (big or small) as these last a while! I’ve had my set for going on five years now and they’re pretty sturdy still. These open-ended toys leave room for limitless creation for all ages
  • Magnetic tiles
  • Marble runs - for the older kidies who aren't at risk of swallowing
  • Playdough - and you can make your own!
  • Puzzles
  • Leggo (the large version for the little ones)
  • Rainbow stackers.

Your toy box staples

All of these items are gems to have in a household, even if it's just a few!

My daughter, mom, brother, friends and myself frequently engage in these activities and it's amazing how all our inner children revel in it when we do.

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