Tips for keeping your home organized with kids

Tips for keeping your home organized with kidsTips for keeping your home organized with kids Tips for keeping your home organized with kidsTips for keeping your home organized with kids

Something we all appreciate as moms are tips for keeping your home organized with kids.

It’s a new year and your home may very well be overwhelmed with all the new toys your kids received for Christmas (and in my case, for birthdays as well since both my kids have birthdays close to Christmas).

Currently, there are toys in every single room/area of my home, and it was really getting to me so I decided I had to do something about it.

Tips for keeping your home organized with kids

Here are some tips that you may find useful.

  1. Be methodical: Clean up each room/space in your home one by one so that it doesn’t become too burdensome. Go through all the toys, books, etc and categorize them in four groups: keep, store away, give away and discard (for example old colouring books). I guarantee there are things at the bottom of the toy box which need to be thrown out!
  2. Less is more: Try to keep toys in your play room area (which for most of us is probably our living room) to a minimum. This is something I learnt from the Montessori approach and it has been a game changer for me. The less toys that are available to your kids to play with, the less there is to clean up every day. It also helps your kids to engage more with these few toys which means they won’t get bored of them so easily.
  3. Rotate: Store away some of the gifts your children received to be used later on in the year. There might even be cases where your child received two of the exact same thing so you may want to consider giving away one of them.
  4. Wish lists: Consider creating an Amazon wish list for your kids' birthdays and Christmas. This way when someone asks you what they should get for your child, you can easily send them the link to various options. By doing so, you will receive items that your child actually needs and wants and this will help to limit the amount of unnecessary items that enter your home.  For example, a school bag and lunch kit is something gift givers may not think of themselves but is such a practical gift that can be used for the new school term.

Tidy home, tidy mind


Incorporating these tips will definitely help to keep some sort of peace and order in your home.

Of course, keeping on top of them is work in itself because there are so many other tasks to get done every single day!

But as I always say, just do the best you can!

I hope this inspires you to get organized today!

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