Abbreviations to know if you're trying for a baby

Abbreviations to know if you're trying for a babyAbbreviations to know if you're trying for a baby Abbreviations to know if you're trying for a babyAbbreviations to know if you're trying for a baby

Trying to conceive and being pregnant can be extremely overwhelming periods, and there are abbreviations to know if you're trying for a baby.

Naturally, you'll want to inform and educate yourself as much as possible. And so you'll likely spend a lot of time reading pregnancy and baby books, following the best experts online, and even chatting to other women via forums.

And while all of this can help immensely, one thing that can get a little confusing is the terminology and the many abbreviations that you'll come across.

So to make it a little less overwhelming, we've decoded some of the most popular abbreviations to know if you're trying for a baby.

  1. TTC: This just means trying to conceive or trying to get pregnant. And you'll see it a LOT if you're, well, TTC.
  2. EDD: This is your estimated due date, which is usually a very loose estimation. Very few babies are actually born on their EDD. So please remember that when you're waiting impatiently towards the end.
  3. AF/MP: These are abbreviations for your period. AF means Aunt Flo, which is an old fashioned name for your period but still popular enough, and MP just means menstrual period.
  4. PG: This means pregnant and you will see it a lot on online forums.
  5. LO/LG/LB: In order they mean little one, little girl, little boy.
  6. MIL: Mother-in-law or monster-in-law!
  7. BF/EBF: Breast feeding and exclusively breast feeding.
  8. BLW: When you wean, you may choose to follow the baby-led weaning route.
  9. SAHM/SAHF: This means stay-at-home mum or stay-at-home father.
  10. AP: Attachment parenting which involves responsiveness and closeness to your child, like this mom.
  11. CIO/CC: Two types of sleep training; crying it out and controlled crying. Crying it out is controversial.
  12. STTN: Sleeping through the night… The holy grail!

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