Does sex count as a workout?

Does sex count as a workout?Does sex count as a workout? Does sex count as a workout?Does sex count as a workout?

Does sex count as a workout?

Well, according to 71% of Americans the answer is yes.

In fact, they're even tracking their heart rate and calories burned while getting down and dirty.

According to a Lovehoney survey, whether we count sex as a workout or not varies slightly depending on gender, with 73% of men answering yes compared with 70% of women.

How many Americans track calories and heart rate during sex?


The survey revealed that one in 10 Americans track how many calories they burn every time they have sex.

Some 11% have admitted to doing it regularly, and 12% said they sometimes do.

Men are twice as likely as women to monitor these stats regularly, with 16% of men admitting to regular tracking compared to just 8% of women.

Which sex positions are the most physically challenging?

When it comes to keeping healthy, any form of physical activity is a good thing - and sex is no exception.


Overall for both men and women, doggy has been named the most challenging sex position, with 28% of all of our survey respondents and 34% of males giving this response.

However, for women, reverse cowgirl comes out on top as the most demanding position.

When it comes to health benefits, lower blood pressure, improved heart health, and stronger muscles are a few of the physical side effects of sexercise.

But sex can contribute to our mental wellness too.

The good or happy hormones that are released during sexual activity are one of the psychological benefits of sex. Endorphins and oxytocin are released, which can help you to be more relaxed.

Other psychological benefits include stress relief, strengthening of the immune system, and a better night's sleep.

To find out how many Americans count the time spent in between the sheets as exercise, Lovehoney surveyed more than 2,000 adults.

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