Mom goes viral after giving birth to HUGE baby

Mom goes viral after giving birth to HUGE babyMom goes viral after giving birth to HUGE baby Mom goes viral after giving birth to HUGE babyMom goes viral after giving birth to HUGE baby

A mum has gone viral on TikTok after giving birth to a HUGE baby.

Erike Weber posted a photo of her newborn son who weighed in at an astounding 12lbs 6oz.

The mother-of-two revealed she had given birth to her son via C-section after her doctor determined at 37 weeks that her baby was almost 10lbs and still growing.

Erike explained: “So everyone keeps tagging me in this and telling me I should do this.


"At 37 weeks I went in for an ultrasound and my son was weighing in at 9lb 15oz so we scheduled for a C-section. I ended up being put into labour the day before the C-section.

"I still went with a C-section because the doctor highly advised that."

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"I had a baby that was 12lbs 6oz and he came out of the hospital wearing three-month clothing, size one diapers.


"Now he’s six months old and wearing 18-month clothing."

The video has gone viral, with viewers joking that he looks old enough to be paying his taxes.

One person wrote: "Bro came out with a whole credit score."

Another joked: "That child came at three years old."

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