Solo holidays good for moms, research says

Solo holidays good for moms, research saysSolo holidays good for moms, research says Solo holidays good for moms, research saysSolo holidays good for moms, research says

Solo holidays are good for moms, according to research.

So pack your bags, mama! We have to do what we're told.

Psychologists suggest that moms need to take breaks by going on vacation without the kids - and it should be for at least two days!



And the experts aren't saying this is only vital for our mental health; it's also it's also essential for the wellbeing of their families.

Solo holidays good for moms, research says

Psychology professor, Dr. Nava Silton has said: "It's very important for kids to see that balance that ideally needs to be achieved in a family situation."

Because we're constantly putting our kids first, it's common for moms to suffer burnout.

Mom burnout is when a mother is simply exhausted and running on empty, having given all to her loving family.


Mom burnout applies to both stay-at-home and working moms.

You may confuse postpartum depression for mom burnout, but they are not the same thing.

Busy mom life

A vacation seems even more needed when you realise that being a mom is the equivalent of 2.5 full-time jobs.

A study conducted by Welch's found working moms clock an average of 98 hours per week, and that's about the same as working 2.5 full-time jobs.

The study of 2,000 American moms with kids between 5 and 12 years old found that the average mother "clocks in" at 6.23 am and "clocks out" at 8.31 pm for an average work day of 14 hours.

The research involved moms of children aged 5-12 and was conducted by Market Researchers, OnePoll under Welch's nutrition programs.

"The results of the survey highlight just how demanding the role of mom can be and the non-stop barrage of tasks it consists of," Casey Lewis, Health & Nutrition Lead at Welch's told Yahoo!

"Busy moms may identify with the list of 'lifesavers' which highlights not just a rigorous workload but a constant requirement to feed and fuel the family, week in and week out."

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