9 family Halloween ideas on a budget

9 family Halloween ideas on a budget9 family Halloween ideas on a budget 9 family Halloween ideas on a budget9 family Halloween ideas on a budget

Halloween; that time of year when we get to release our inner child, let the kids dress up, wear makeup and eat too much candy, and stay up late telling ghost stories.

We know that special occasions like this can put extra financial strain on families, so we've come up with some ideas that won't break the bank.

Whether it's homemade costumes and decorations, pumpkin carving, spooky homemade treats, or scary movie marathons, we've got you covered!

So, here are 9 family Halloween ideas on a budget.

9 family Halloween ideas on a budget

  1. DIY lanterns: Who doesn't love a lantern, especially if you've made them yourself?! Here are a few tutorials on how to do it.
  2. Homemade candy cups: The kids will need something to store all their Halloween candy in. So why not try painting some old plastic cups and using pipe cleaners for handles, like these.
  3. Halloween mason jar lanterns: Fill mason jars with tiny fairy lights before painting them in Halloween-themed character faces. Here's how to do it.
  4. Spider cupcake toppers: Decorate your homemade cupcakes with DIY spider toppers. All you need are paper straws as the base and black card and pipe cleaners for the body.
  5. Vampire bat leaves: We love this one because it combines a nature trail with some home crafts. Take the kids on a walk and gather some leaves to be painted black with matte spray paint. After they dry, they can use a white marker to make little vampire faces.
  6. DIY Halloween costumes: Costumes can be expensive, especially if you have more than one child. What you make depends on how much time you have and how adventurous you are, but here are some cool ideas to get you started.
  7. Halloween cooking: A perfect Halloween family activity is some spooky food and treats for your Halloween party. You could try this yummy toffee apple recipe, or these spooky Halloween cookies that the kids will love!
  8. Scary movie marathon: A fun Halloween party idea for all the family is a scary movie marathon with lots of treats you've baked yourselves!
  9. Halloween treasure hunt: We love a good treasure hunt at Caribbean Moms, so it's only natural we'd suggest a Halloween-themed one to keep your family entertained. All you need are your homemade decorations and some treats and candy to hide, then put together a map and hey presto! Hours of entertainment in the comfort of your own home!

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