How much screen time is safe for teens?

How much screen time is safe for teens?How much screen time is safe for teens? How much screen time is safe for teens?How much screen time is safe for teens?

Teens spend a lot of time in front of screens, but how much screen time is safe for teens?

The truth is that too much screen time can interfere with getting enough exercise, doing homework, being with friends, and spending time with family.

It also can contribute to obesity, attention and learning problems, and sleep problems.

By screen time we mean watching TV shows, streaming videos, playing games, on social media, and generally surfing the internet.


It's up to us as parents to decide what limits make sense based on their teen's age, health, and personality.

The best way to approach this is by having a honest and open conversation with your teen about their screen time, the risks, and how to strike a safe and healthy balance.

How much screen time is safe for teens?

Teenagers are more independent, but it's still up to parents to decide how (and how often) their teens use electronic devices.

Teens may need to spend more time online doing homework, but they may also spend a lot of time on social media, playing games, or watching TV and videos.


Screen time should not replace time needed for sleeping, eating, being active, studying, and interacting with family and friends.

Tips for safe usage

  1. Encourage teens away from the screen: Encourage them to spend time with friends, join clubs or after-school activities, and exercise. Encourage your teen to be physically active every day and get enough sleep.
  2. Turn off devices during meals and at least an hour before bedtime: Keep devices with screens out of your teen's bedroom after bedtime and don't allow a TV in your teen's bedroom.
  3. Research video and computer games before letting your teen get them: Look at the ratings and seek advice if needs be. If possible, preview games and even play them with your teen to see what they're like. The game's rating may not match what you feel is OK.
  4. Spend time with your teen watching TV, playing games, or going online: Use this time as a chance to talk and learn together.
  5. Keep the computer in a common area where you can watch what's going on: Teach your teen about safe Internet and social media use. Make sure they know the dangers of sharing private information online and cyberbullying.
  6. Set a good example: Practice what you pr Turn off TVs and other devices when not in use. Turn off or mute your phone when you’re not using it and during family times, like meals.

Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about managing your teen’s media use.

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