This new TikTok challenge could be fatal

This new TikTok challenge could be fatalThis new TikTok challenge could be fatal This new TikTok challenge could be fatalThis new TikTok challenge could be fatal

Have you heard of the 'One Chip Challenge', the new TikTok challenge that could be fatal?

This latest viral challenge involves eating a single tortilla chip made with some of the hottest ingredients in the world.

It's warned that the chip out should be kept out of the reach of children, and that it's intended for adult consumption only.

But tragically, an American teenager - 14-year-old Harris Wolobah of Worcester, Massachusetts - died after eating the chip for a TikTok challenge.

The dangers of the 'One Chip Challenge'


Lauren Rice, the Chief of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Tufts Medical Center in Boston said: “Completing this spicy chip challenge is associated with a variety of health concerns.

"Symptoms after ingestion may range from mild discomfort, such as burning or tingling in the mouth, to severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.”

Parents need to know that while scary symptoms like these typically happen right after or even while eating this chip, they can also last for hours or even days afterward.

So stay vigilant if you believe your child may have attempted this challenge, or you notice any of these symptoms occurring.


Dr Rice added: “People who participate in this challenge may also experience chest pain or palpitations. Another common side effect with this spicy chip challenge is coughing.

"Excessive coughing while the chip or pieces of the chip are being swallowed may lead to aspiration - unintentional inhalation into the airway and lungs - of the chip, or the spices on the chip. This can lead to irritation of the lungs, infection or inflammation in the lungs, or possibly trigger underlying conditions like asthma."

What to do in an emergency

If you think your child has taken part in the 'One Chip Challenge', you should:

  • Ensure they wash their hands thoroughly.
  • Make sure they avoid touching their face.
  • Rinse their mouth out.
  • Watch out for worrisome symptoms like excessive or persistent coughing, difficulty breathing, and repeated vomiting.
  • Seek medical attention for these or any other worrisome signs.

Dr Rice added: “It is important for parents and caregivers to have an open dialogue with their children about social media challenges so that children can understand just how dangerous, or potentially deadly, these activities can be.”

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