Calling all moms - we want to hear from you

Calling all moms - we want to hear from you

The team here at Caribbean Moms has launched a new survey, "Mom Knows Best" as a barometer for how Moms in Trinidad and Tobago are doing right now.

Our mission is to inspire, inform, educate, support, and entertain moms on their parenting journey.

And to continue delivering content that is most important and impactful to moms across the country, our survey aims to understand:

  • What are your main challenges or concerns?
  • What are the best and worst parts of parenting? and
  • Where do you think you need support the most?

To contribute your opinions, take our survey and we'll be giving participants a chance to win big prizes from some of your favourite brands.


The findings of the survey will be shared with all moms registered in our community, to highlight the ways in which we can make life better for Moms across the region.

To register for our community, sign up to our Discussions forum.

And remember to follow us on all your favourite social channels to keep up with all our news and views, and for more chances to have your say and win big.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for great advice and recipes.

Join the conversation with other Moms by registering for our Discussions forum.

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