6 ways to use breastmilk other than feeding

6 ways to use breastmilk other than feeding6 ways to use breastmilk other than feeding 6 ways to use breastmilk other than feeding6 ways to use breastmilk other than feeding

Outside of mealtimes, breastmilk actually has other unexpected uses - so here are 6 ways to use breastmilk other than feeding.

Let's just start by saying not every mom can - or wants to - breast feed. And that's OK!

It's a no judgement zone here. As long as you and your baby are healthy and happy and the little one is well fed and nourished, how you choose to feed them is up to you.

But if you do decide and are able to breastfeed, and your milk is in strong supply, there are some creative ways to use that liquid gold outside of feeding.


And the home remedies seem to have some miraculous properties!

6 ways to use breastmilk other than feeding

  1. Diaper rash remedy: You'll quickly discover that babies are prone to diaper rash, no matter how much effort you put into preventing them. But breast milk is a natural remedy that can help soothe your baby’s sore bottom. Just to note: if this is a persistent problem, make sure to see your pediatrician to get medical attention.
  2. Clearing stuffy noses: Babies often have congestion and it can be difficult to watch them suffering. You've probably been told to squirt some saline solution into baby’s nose to help break up the mucus, but you could also use breast milk! Generally speaking, breast milk has natural nutrients that can help baby build resistance and beat the cold. It also has antibodies that can shorten the span of an illness.
  3. Teething pain: This is one of the biggest early parenting challenges! But to be honest, watching your child suffer never gets any easier. But making breast milk ice cubes is soothing to a teething baby, as it soothes and numbs the gums.
  4. Cradle cap: Lots of babies get this; the flaky, scaly, yellowish patches on their scalp. There are medicated shampoos which can be used, or you can use coconut oil to soften it before using a comb to get rid of it. But breast milk is a great natural remedy that can help too.
  5. Baby eczema: Baby skin is so sensitive that it can dry easily, which can cause eczema to develop. Step in breast milk! Just drip some onto a cotton pad and dab it on the affected area. You may also need to see a doctor but breast milk can clear up the sores.
  6. Ear infections: Some moms swear by a drop of breast milk into the sore ear several times a day. But again, a visit to your pediatrician might be necessary.

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