13 everyday wins for moms to celebrate

13 everyday wins for moms to celebrate13 everyday wins for moms to celebrate 13 everyday wins for moms to celebrate13 everyday wins for moms to celebrate

Parenting really is a rollercoaster.

There'll be great days, not-so-great days, and everything in between.

And that's why, more than ever, you need to celebrate the small wins and tell yourself often how fine a job you're doing.

It's the little things

Every victory, big or small, is to be celebrated.


Comparison is the thief of joy so don't compare your baby’s growth to another, your journey of motherhood to anyone else's, or your family to another.

There are many little things you might want to celebrate, and we're here to tell you that you should!

  • Your baby slept for three straight hours last night: My youngest baby would be awake most of the night in her early days. We would wake up tired and to a fussy child due to lack of sleep. It was total excitement on the nights we had her sleeping for three hours straight!
  • I took a shower today: For a mom whose day can be busy all through, taking a shower is a great achievement!
  • I left the house without spit or baby food on my shoulder: Vomit becomes almost like an accessory when you have a baby. Kudos if you managed to go somewhere puke-free.
  • I didn't talk about poop the whole day: A mother’s conversation revolves mostly around their kids. It feels good to talk about something else.
  • My toddler didn't cry when I dropped her off at pre-school: You almost want to dance when they wave calmly without any breakdown.
  • We did home hair salon without shouting and screaming: I will celebrate with my daughter Amani and clap for her for not screaming when her hair is done.
  • My daughter/son wiped herself at the toilet: Potty training can be stressful so the joy and excitement with every milestone are indescribable.
  • My child slept in their room for three nights without coming into my bed: Transitioning to their rooms after co-sleeping can be difficult; celebrate your success.
  • My children played together without fighting: It won't happen everyday, but this is a big deal!
  • We left the house on time: The task of getting everyone out the door can be overwhelming. I often find myself late which calls for celebration anytime we are out on time.
  • I drank my coffee while it was still warm: Drinking a hot drink or eating a warm meal go out the window after you have kids! Enjoy every win.
  • You did not lose your cool: It's hard to stay calm when your child is throwing a tantrum or your children are fighting, especially in public.
  • My child helped tidy up: Congratulate your child on this small but significant achievement.

One day at a time

Celebrating these small achievements definitely makes the tough days easier.

Try not to be too hard on yourself, and celebrate you and the baby at every opportunity.

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