9 ways to practice self-love without leaving the house 

9 ways to practice self-love without leaving the house 9 ways to practice self-love without leaving the house  9 ways to practice self-love without leaving the house 9 ways to practice self-love without leaving the house 
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The dictionary definition of self-love is an appreciation of one's own worth or virtue, or proper regard for and attention to one's own happiness or wellbeing. 

Defining it is the easy part; practicing it is another matter. 


We all know we want to shower ourselves with attention and love, but finding time to prioritise it - especially as a mom - can be difficult. 

But we’re here to show you how to take time for you and appreciate the great job you’re doing – all without spending a cent or even having to leave the house. 

  1. Take a warm bubble bath: It really can be this simple. The irony of motherhood is that you’ve arguably never needed some self-love more, but you’ve never had less time or resources.  It’s not always feasible to leave the house so just pencil in a nice, warm bath and add in some Dove products for extra indulgence! 
  2. Pamper night: And we’re talking pamper with a capital with a capital P! Get your husband/partner/relative/friend to babysit while you lock yourself in your bedroom and apply a hair mask, face mask, lashings of Dove body lotion and a nice calming herbal tea. Light some candles and play instrumental music and pretend you’re in your favourite spa. 
  3. Meditation: Meditation can boost self-compassion, awareness, resilience, and other qualities that help improve self-esteem. You literally only need a few minutes each day to meditate and find some calm. Maybe when the baby is napping or before they wake up in the morning. Think “I am worthy,” and “I am enough.” Let each inhale draw in self-love and each exhale release what is no longer serving you.  
  4. A movie night with your girl friends: What’s better than a night in cuddled up with your girl gang, watching movies and gossiping? A laugh with old friends is good for the soul and we guarantee you’ll be feeling like a new woman after it.
  5. An early night with a good book and your favourite takeaway: The exhaustion is real mamas! And it’s almost like you’ll never sleep again in those early days. But it’s important that you schedule some ‘me time’ so that you can be at your best for you and baby. Ask someone to mind the little one for a few hours one evening so that you can cuddle up in bed with a good novel and a few snacks. 
  6. Yoga session in the living room: While you’ll be keen to get exercising for your mind and body after baby is born, getting time to leave the house to go to the gym can be problematic. So why not bring the gym to you and do a free YouTube yoga session in your house? You’ll feel a million times better if you do. 
  7. Join a virtual book club: There’s nothing better than getting stuck into a book you can’t put down. Then couple that with a group you get to discuss every detail with and you’re in bookworm heaven. And best of all, a virtual group means all the fun of socialising without having to actually go anywhere. Genius! 
  8. Have a declutter day: This might sound too much like housework but trust us! Decluttering your space is extremely therapeutic and a clear space means a clear mind. You will feel an overwhelming sense of calm. 
  9. Write a gratitude list: There’s no denying motherhood can be tough! It’s exhausting and non-stop, but it’s MORE than worth it. Every day won’t be a good day but if you take a few minutes to focus on the little things and write down what you’re grateful for, rather than dwelling on the negatives, you will feel a greater sense of happiness about your life. 

Sense of self

Life as a mom can be exhausting, and we too often forget our sense of self in the chaos.  

But taking some time out for yourself is essential for your emotional and physical wellbeing, so that you can be the best version of yourself for you and your family. 

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