4 signs you may be experiencing 'mom burnout'

4 signs you may be experiencing 'mom burnout'4 signs you may be experiencing 'mom burnout' 4 signs you may be experiencing 'mom burnout'4 signs you may be experiencing 'mom burnout'

Exhausted? Overwhelmed? Feel like you're pouring from an empty cup?

It's OK mom, we hear you!

Although kids are the greatest blessings in our lives, they require A LOT of our energy, and that can often leave us feeling like we're burned out and running 0n empty.

But even if it's only 10 minutes a day, you need to prioritise some me time daily or you run the risk of completely crashing and burning.


Here are some signs to look out for that may indicate you're reaching breaking point.

4 signs you may be experiencing 'mom burnout'

  1. You're easily triggered: It can be too easy to take our children’s behaviour personally. When they act up, we can see it as a personal reflection on our parenting. But sometimes, kids are just kids. And we’re just humans. We can feel a lack of control when things spiral, whether it’s our kids acting out, the dinner being thrown on the floor, or a messy house. And that can cause us to snap at the smallest thing. Take a little time for yourself and figure out why that freak out may have happened and how you can take some time for you to recharge the batteries.
  2. You're feeling ashamed and guilty: Mom guilt is real and the pressure from the picture perfect families on social media can leave us feeling like failures. But listen; your child doesn't need animal-shaped sandwiches and expensive vacations to feel loved. No one is perfect, we're all doing our best, and that's good enough!
  3. Regular anxiety spikes: Being a mom is without doubt one of the most under-appreciated and most difficult roles in the world. It's not easy raising tiny humans and being responsible for the adults they become. And that can be extremely anxiety-inducing. Just remember, no one has this parenting thing figured out.
  4. Not making time for yourself: If it feels impossible for you to make time in your day for yourself – even in the evening after the kids have gone to bed – that’s a sign of burn out. It's even more concerning if you feel guilty taking time for yourself. No one can do it all, and she who dares will eventually end up hitting a wall. So, delegate, ask for help, set boundaries, and practice saying NO!

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