Mom rage: what's it all about?

Mom rage: what's it all about?Mom rage: what's it all about? Mom rage: what's it all about?Mom rage: what's it all about?

Have you heard of mom rage? While your answer might be no, we guarantee you've experienced it at some point.

So, what exactly is mom rage?

"Mom rage is the uncontrolled anger that's common for mothers to feel that stems from the impossible expectations of modern motherhood, combined with a deep lack of support from the societal structures and in the family systems."

And this definition comes from Minna Dubin, a mom-of-two who has written a book called Mom Rage: The Everyday Crisis of Modern Motherhood.


"The book is an investigation into what I have come to understand is actually an international hidden emotional crisis," the author told Today.

And it works in a cycle, she explains.

There's the period where everything is perfect, then there's a period where we're getting annoyed about certain things but suppressing the frustration, and then there's the explosion followed by shame and guilt that you got so angry.

And that's when we move into repair mode to fix the damage from our outburst.

Mom rage: what's it all about?


Mom rage, which is sometimes also called “maternal anger” or “maternal rage,” isn’t an official psychological diagnosis by the way.

And although it's rarely talked about, feeling angry is a completely common, normal emotion for moms. But often it’s wrapped up in guilt and shame.

When fury strikes, you may say or do things that feel out of character with the person and parent who you are or want to be.

Outbursts can be directed at your child or partner, or at no one in particular.

The solutions

Solutions really boil down to more practical and emotional support for moms.

Universal childcare and extended family leave for all types of parents are the dream.

But in the meantime, there are little things that cane help limit the outbursts.

Things like sharing the housework, helping with bedtime, or family and friends pitching in to give you time out.

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